Postcard: A small, commercially printed card, usually having a picture on one side and space for a short message on the other.
As an avid collector of postcards and someone who makes sure to pick up one (or three) wherever she goes as a keepsake, I felt it important to incorporate postcards into my line of work. I wanted to create a series of postcards that represented who I am as a photographer as well as appealing to customers. I wanted my collection to be multifunctional in that they kept to their main purpose as well as being a special photography print that can be framed and displayed in the home. That is when I decided that some of my favourite Typography prints would be the perfect images to use in creating inspirational and motivational postcards, little words of wisdom to help you dream. inspire. do!
Are you an avid postcard collector? Do you make a point in finding the perfect postcard to send to a friend or loved one? Or are you someone who feels the tradition of the postcard is a thing of the past? I personally am determined to keep the postcard craze going, to keep adding to my collection and to keep sending to my nearest and dearest! After all, there is no better feeling than receiving that handwritten piece of mail when you are least expecting it!
Lavender Line Typography postcards available to purchase now on Etsy!
Have you found the perfect typography postcard that suits you or a loved one? Lavender Line Photography postcards now available for purchase on Etsy!
Nothing beats the feeling of receiving that handwritten piece of mail, to know that a loved one spent time selecting their card and took time out of their trip to send a little holiday keepsake!